functional singing, singing training

The Library

Hey there, fellow singing enthusiasts! If you're ready to take your singing from shower solos to sensational performances, you've come to the right place. This course is designed to transform your vocal abilities, teaching you the ins and outs of functional singing.

In this library of content you will find not only vocal technique material. Yes, it is very important (and my favourite topic ever). But it is not the only thing that makes a singer great... in fact, as I always say, vocal technique is here to support your expressive and communication skills and not the other way around...!

When you join the library, you will have access to:

  • Vocal technique classes
  • Repertoire classes
  • Voice and Movement classes (elements of the Feldenkrais® method)
  • Musicality and ear training for singers

Join me today and get access to my content plus brand new content every month!

What makes my method different?

I have spent all my life researching the human voice with singing purposes, as well as music, movement and healing arts.

My search for methods that made the impossible possible led me to come across mainly two vocal methods that I fell in love with and I still choose to train with and to teach.

For contemporary singing

I became certified with IVT (International Vocal Training), a Mexican singing school that specializes in North American vocal methods based on SLS.

For functional singing

I trained (and forever will❤️) with the masters of the Rabine Method® for Functional Vocal Training. The Rabine method is an amazing method that trains singers to use their voice FROM the vocal function. You see, usually, when we attempt to sing we do so with the voice system NOT in 'singing mode', but in 'protection mode' instead. The Rabine method allows you to set up your vocal system in 'singing mode', so all your brain/body/breathing/voice connections are on the same page, making singing easy and developing all your vocal potential.

Other disciplines I integrate into my program

Voice and Movement

I am an authorized ATM® teacher (Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement®). I am in love with movement science by itself, but of course, in my lessons, I integrate movement lessons with its connection to voice work.

Music training

I trained at University back in Argentina, as well as in Singing/songwriting at SIT in Auckland, NZ, and also completed the RSL awards syllabus, completing my L6 diploma in Music Performance.

I am an avid music researcher, particularly interested in songwriting and film scoring pieces.

I use my knowledge to help my singing students develop their ear and music skills to better serve them as vocalists. I also train my students in songwriting.

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Your instructor

I've dedicated over a decade to nurturing voices, guiding students through an exploration of sound that is as much about discovery as it is about singing. With a rich background in contemporary vocals, songwriting, and popular music, I couple my formal training with an innovative approach to vocal coaching. Movement and energy healing therapies are interwoven into my methods, creating a unique and holistic journey for every singer.

As an enthusiastic devotee to the art and science of the voice, I revel in unveiling the nuances that make each voice distinct. My expertise lies in delving deep into the idiosyncrasies of vocal expression and empowering singers to liberate their voices. Together, we embark on a transformative process, fostering a vocal expression that resonates with clarity, strength, and true individuality.

I believe that in vocal training we can make the impossible possible!